Michael Schruender

Feldenkrais for musicians

Musicians practise the coordination of sound and movement. By using the Feldenkrais Method they can greatly improve their physical transparency and presence as performers.

The music gains in complexity and liveliness. In addition, the Feldenkrais Method helps musicians overcome some problems specifically linked to their work: high concentration over a long period of time coupled with the pressure to achieve, and lop-sided positions when playing their instruments. – which are a constant challenge for many musicians and often lead to muscle tension and pain.

A few single sessions in Feldenkrais Functional Integration or attending a Feldenkrais course Awareness through Movement offer a way out of this situation and help musicians rediscover their joy in playing music.

The more an idividual advances his development the greater will be his ease of action, the ease synonymous with harmonious organization of the senses and the muscles. When activity is freed of tension and superfluous effort the resulting ease makes for greater sensitivity and better discrimination, which make for still greater ease in action.
He will now be able to identify unnecessary effort even in actions that formerly seemed easy to him. As this sensitivity in action is further refined, it continues to become increasingly delicate up to a certain level. In order to pass this limit there must be improved organization of the entire personality.
But at this stage further advance will no longer be achieved slowly and gradually, but by a sudden step. Ease of action is developed to the point where it becomes a new quality with new horizons.
Moshé Feldenkrais