Michael Schruender

Feldenkrais for athletes

Athletes need strength, perseverance and precision to be successful. All three qualities can be improved through the Feldenkrais Method. At the same time the danger of injury is reduced, or, if injuries have been sustained, full performance can be restored.

Participation in a TaKeTiNa group can also be very helpful for athletes because a feeling for flowing sequences of movement is greatly increased, as is the ability to be aware of a complex, instant recognition of a sequence of events.

For effective movement the heavy work of moving the body must be shifted to the muscles designed for this purpose.
If we look carefully we will see that the largest and strongest muscles are connected to the pelvis. Most of the work is done by these muscles, particulary the buttocks, thights, and the abdominals. As we move away from the center of the body to the limbs the muscles gradually become more slender. The muscles of the limbs are intende to direct their movements accurately, whyle the main power of the pelvic muscles is conducted through the bones of the limbs to the point at which it is required to operate.
In a well-organized body work done by the large muscles is passed on to its final destination through the bones by weaker muscles, but without losing much of its power on the way.
Moshé Feldenkrais