Michael Schruender

TaKeTiNa for athletes

Athletes need strength, perseverance and precision to be successful. Participation in a TaKeTiNa group can be very helpful for athletes because a feeling for flowing sequences of movement and precise movement coordination is greatly increased, as is the ability to be aware of a complex, instant recognition of a sequence of events.

Strain and strength are often confused in our culture. Most people believe they can only feel powerful if they strain and push themselves.. This belief leads to ineffective practice and ineffective practice leads to a wrong distribution of weight, injuries and frustration. Someone who exerts himself feels, „ I should be able to do this, but I can’t “, whereas someone using well-organised strength feels quite the opposite:„I can do this, but I don’t have to“. These two notions - strain and strength - are actually when experienced, worlds apart, even though they are generally considered interchangeable/synonomous.

Going back and forth between stabilising and destabilising has the effect that the participants fall out of rhythm and then come back into it again. They can distance themselves increasingly from the feeling of wanting to do something, and through the collective ‚letting go’, self-organisation emerges. Being in rhythm means that a group of people, even amateurs, can attain a lively precision which would be impossible if they were learning in a linear way.Reinhard Flatischler